These past two months with you have been a wild ride. You quickly proceeded with cruising along furniture, standing on your own, teetering to full of walking around the house. We are slowly mastering walking with shoes on. That has been a battle! Your grandparents were in town the first week of December to see some of your first steps. Everyone was so proud of you. There are moments that I see you walk around the corner and am shocked to see standing there. Harper was the most excited to see you walk. We have been talking about this milestone with him for months and he was beyond ready. He is a proud big brother as long as you aren't stealing his toys or pulling his hair.
Your newest trick is throwing things. You LOVE to throw the obvious balls, food and brothers toys but remote controls and cell phones get thrown just as often. Thank you Life Proof $90 cell phone cases.
Intentional face planting on Argos's hairy, stinky dog bed or any soft surface brings you so much joy. Belly laughs from brother and not so happy grunts from the dog. It is absolutely hilarious. I have seen you face plant, roll around and start all over at least a dozen times at once. You always want to make sure someone is watching.
Big brother loves showing off in front of you. He climbs furniture and jumps which leads to you attempting to climb. I caught you standing on top of one of your brothers toddler chairs the other day. Momma isn't ready for two climbing boys.
Kid, you love to eat. I'm pretty sure you would spend two hours eating dinner if we let you. You finish your plate and then start reaching for mine and brothers. We keep telling Harper that you are going to be as big as him soon. I believe y'all are only around two pounds different.
You are still a great crib napper. Most days you take a morning nap that lasts around 45 minutes and an afternoon nap that lasts just about the same. Some days I even get your and your brothers naps to overlap a bit and it is wonderful. I try not to have you fall asleep in the stroller or carseat on a regular basis but for road trips or when we are really out of routine it works out well. You are typically pretty content riding in the car or in the stroller. Give you a snack and something to chew on and I can get at least thirty minutes. Such a wonderful change from when you were little.
Night time sleeping needs a lot of work but I know we will get there. Your doctors says that I just need to let you cry. Its tough but I think we are all ready for you to sleep longer than a few hours at a time.
We are prepping for your birthday party. I can't believe you turn one in just a few short weeks.
I love you Charlie Ash. I always will.