Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How We Went About It

As I am typing the title of this post, I realized it could be read two ways. 

This post is about how we told the ones we loved that we couldn't tell in person not the birds and the bees :) 

We were hoping to be able to tell my parents in person but that just wasn't feasible. Living a few states away, we get to see each other more often than when we lived across the country but not within the time frame we would have hoped. 

Our dog, Argos, has been their "grandpup" for the past 5 1/2 years and we knew that he had to be included. This lead to an rather frustrating photo shoot....

The first few dozen were blurry, the next 30 his eyes were closed, and then he decided to fall asleep. It is a good thing I never tried to go the celebrity route.

An embarrassing 100 pictures later, we had a "winner". 

Add a little Photoshop  and a frame and to the mail it went. We sat anxiously, expecting phone calls. It ended up arriving two days after the post office said but needless to say they were surprised. 

We gave the same framed picture to Geoff's parents as well but were able to do it in person.

For my sister, I took a slightly different approach. 

I bought a classic children's book and wrote a simple note:

Aunt Kelle,
Will you read this to me in April? I can't wait to meet you.
Baby Roe

I should have included a note on the front that said to open the book because she saw the book and called me hysterical yet slightly confused. It was the classic response. 

For my long distance friends, I wanted to do a play off of Geoff's job as well as the size of Baby Roe. 

I boxed up a tangerine and included a note printed on a paper leaf:

We wanted to let you know that our family tree is growing. 
April 2013
Love Geoff & Nicole

I just loved the reactions we received from our friends. We only have a few friends that have kids and a few that are expecting as well. No one knew that we had decided to try so we were able to catch everyone off guard with the great news. 

It was perfect. 

Now I can't wait for our gender reveal: What is Baby Roe going to Bee? 


  1. I have a friend named Bee actually (Bea) but she is cool. I think its a strong name.

  2. I love, love, love this! The note in the book to your sister is the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

  3. I absolutely died when I opened that book. I can't describe how happy I am for both you and Geoff. Looking forward to filling the title of Best Aunt in the World!
