Thursday, January 3, 2013

24 Weeks

A month has passed since my last update and time is flying. Our 24 week appointment is tomorrow and it feels like we just found out that we are having a boy,

How I'm Feeling:

I feel great. This may be because I had a week and a half of vacation but over all my energy is high. I am at boot camp a few days a week and crossing off items from my todo list daily. 

A good night's sleep is starting to become an issue. Sleeping on my side is not comfortable even with my pregnancy pillow. I have always been a belly or back sleeper and the side sleeping is causing my back and hips to hurt. We switched mattresses this week and I hope that is going to help. 

How I'm Changing:

There is no missing my belly. It is here to stay and is constantly bumping into counters, doorways and my desk. I am in full maternity clothes now and have packed away my previous wardrobe. It feels good to officially look pregnant and not just pudgy. 

Continuing a workout routine has been a huge help to my physical and mental strength. My endurance is nothing to what is used to be and I have lowered all of my weights to prevent injury but it feels good to push myself and sweat. Jumping jacks and running for longer than a few minutes cause me to run to the restroom but everyone tells me that will forever be the case from here on out... 

What I'm Eating:

The real question should be what I am not eating. I would say I am eating everything that I used to eat and the only adjustment is quantity. Large portions of raw vegetables are followed by painful side effects. I find that I am hungrier more often but am only able to eat small portions before I am full. 

Everything Else:

We are making progress on the nursery and I am very excited to share updates. I have also found it very difficult to go shopping and not by baby clothes. EVERYTHING is cuter in baby size. Even hangers. 

I will be back with a few updates: kitchen, holidays and nursery. 

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