Friday, March 8, 2013

33+ Weeks

I am starting to loose count at how far along I am. I am also starting to get comments similar to "you are going to pop any day now". There is a way to make a uncomfortable pregnant lady feel good about herself.... My kind self typically responds with I still have 7 more weeks, smile and walk away. There needs to be a book that everyone must read called "What Not To Say To A Pregnant Lady...If You Value Your Life". 

I will get off my soap box. 

Finally an update picture. 

Last Friday, I had Brook Scott Photography take some maternity pictures of just me. I thought it was important to highlight my first pregnancy in our home.  I am really excited to see all of the pictures. We are actually doing a couple photo shoot tonight as well. It is crazy to me to take pictures that focus on the belly instead of trying to hide it. I love this picture. There is a baby boy in there! 

How I'm Feeling:

I am uncomfortable. I waddle. I can't pick up items off of the floor. I roll off the couch. I spend more time in the bathroom then anywhere else. I say all of this but I am loving my belly. I am grateful for how my body has handled these last trimesters. The nausea of first trimester is a distant memory. Thank goodness. 

I still feel strong. I am not working out as hard or as often as I would like but I know I haven't lost my strength. I am really hoping all of this effort helps with labor and recovery. 

I have also allowed myself to indulge in multiple pampering sessions. The soon to be Aunt April took me for a mani and pedi and I splurged in a prenatal massage. I even scheduled a second in two weeks. These sessions force me to do nothing besides relax. Something I am not good at. 

How I'm Changing:

Baby Roe is growing and the belly is growing at a rapid rate. I catch my side profile in a mirror or window and it shocks me every time. He is still head down and he reminds me of this often. My ribs are very sore from his attempts at stretching. I feel like we are going to have a very active newborn. I get woken up in the middle of the night by a kick or a push. I will poke back and it is hilarious to see him react. Geoff tried to place his head on my belly while watching TV and got kicked. Kitty and him seem to have a game they play with her purring on my belly and him pushing her away. I could watch my belly move for hours. 

I have had to invest in additional maternity clothes. Most still fit but even with this cold front are too warm. The maternity clothes business must be very profitable. The more flattering the dress the higher the price tag. Also way too many maternity clothes have horizontal stripes. Go figure.... 

What I'm Eating:

My appetite has increased but I am still getting full very quick. One hour later I am starving again. There is no longer the worry of me forgetting to eat. My current cravings have mostly consisted of roasted veggies and pasta. I have been cooking pasta at least three nights a week. At least. Also dark chocolate covered banana slices. Our grocery sells them in 100 calorie packs. They should be in 300 calorie packs. At least. 

Everything Else:

I shared a nursery update picture on my Instagram. The glider still has not arrived. Apparently it has shipped. Maybe it will arrive before Baby Roe arrives... 

We have been receiving some of the sweetest gifts in the mail. A huge thank you to everyone!  

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