Monday, June 17, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 8

Dear Harper,

Never would I have thought I would give birth to a 99-percentile baby. You are a big boy! Your seven-week weight was 13lbs 4oz and your height is 24.25”. This being said you have officially grown out of all your 0-3 month clothes, size small gPants and size one diapers.  It is so great to see you grow but I have to remind myself that even though you look like many 3-4 month olds you aren’t even two months yet.

You were a trooper at the doctor. You have hit all of your milestones and they are very happen with your development. You were not a fan of your shots. I only had them give you two and we will go back for the rest in a few weeks. I have never seen you scream as loud as you did and it broke my heart. You slept the rest of the day and all through the night.

We really threw you out of your routine last week. Our AC died on Monday and when your dad got home from work it was 81 degrees and rising inside our house. Thank goodness for your Florida Grandparents. We stayed a few nights upstairs in your dad’s old bedroom while we had the whole system replaced. You just loved having your grandparents and your Aunt April to love on you for a few nights. You dad and I will have to admit it was pretty nice to have extra sets of hands.

You and I made our first of two solo trips to Orlando last week as well. The first was to take my car in for a check up. You slept both ways and were such a trooper. You did wake up starving and demanded to be fed in the middle of the waiting room. After the dealership we made our first Babies R Us trip. That place is even more dangerous to our bank account than Target. We stocked up on bigger Gpants, Swaddle Me’s and everything else you have grown out of this past week. I promised your dad I wouldn’t return for a few months.

Our second trip to Orlando was for your first MusikGarten class. We enrolled in the class with our friends Nicole and her beautiful baby girl, Pressley. You had such a great time you fell asleep halfway through. Luckily we have seven more weeks of class. The second song we sang was your FL grandpa’s favorite: The Bear Went Over the Mountain. The babies in the class range from 5 weeks to about a year. You have to be bigger than about half of them and no one could believe that you were only 7 weeks. We got to bring home a CD and your own bag of instruments to play with on our own.

Saturday night, you got your first bath from me. It sure was memorable. As I was filling up your seal tub in our tub, I set you down with a blanket around you (sans diaper) in your Boppy. Within moments the blanket was no longer on you and you had a big poo on the rug. I couldn’t help but laugh. Bathing you is a two-person job and I learned my lesson of taking the diaper off. You smiled at me the whole time I attempted to bath you.

We had a rough night that night. You dad was gone for his cousin’s bachelor party and you knew something wasn’t right. You cried most of the night and woke to be fed every two hours. You and I both woke more tired than your dad the next day.

Sunday was your dad’s first Father’s Day. We spent the day giving him gifts, cooking him meals and having you nap on his chest. The two of you took three very long naps. It was adorable and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. That night we went to your grandparents to celebrate with your grandfather. You were really fussy again but last night you only woke up once to feed. What a blessing.

I love you little guy. I always will.


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