Monday, July 22, 2013

Dear Harper: 3 Months

Dear Harper,

You are THREE months old today. We survived the 4th trimester. Boy was it exhausting but such an amazing time for both of us. I wouldn't be honest if I said it was easy because that wasn't always the case. We had some rough moments, some long days and a few near sleepless nights.  I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. You are a joy to spend time with and I am blessed to be able to stay home with you. I am also blessed to have a great support system to give me the time I need to be me. 

The most important lesson you taught me? A lesson that parents try to teach their babies from toddlerhood: how to share. Sharing is something that I have never been very good at. Your Aunt Kelle knew she had to sneak into my closet to "borrow" clothes, I struggled having roommates and I want the last of the ice cream in the freezer. I have gotten better but you taught me how to share and be happy with sharing. It wasn't easy. I didn't want to let you go and when others held you, I was always anxious to get you back. I knew I had to share your love. Sharing your love is a big deal and I know we have a great support from family and friends and you deserve love from all of them. Sharing you will make you a stronger individual and allow me to be an even better mom. You have also taught me that I can survive with less than 8 hours of sleep and that I know none of the lyrics of any of the songs that I want to sing to you... 

In three months, you have more than doubled in size and tripled in personality. You are hilarious. That smile of yours is a mirror image of your dad. Looking at the "baby" in the mirror is one of the quickest ways to put a smile on your face.  When you are being grumpy, the music gets turned up and the dance party begins. There is no doubt that you lungs aren't fully developed. When you scream, Argos will go hide. The tears you shed break my heart. I think they always will. The look you give me in the morning is worth all of the rough nights. 

This weekend we packed all of your newborn, 0 - 3 month and some of your 3-6 month clothes. You have outgrown almost anything with the word infant and are wearing size 3 diapers. I fear that teething is going to occur sooner rather than later. I have been referring to you as a snapping turtle. You "snap" at anything you can fit your mouth around and gum it as hard as your little jaws will allow. By anything I mean fingers, ears, my collar bone, shoulders and my arms. Painful is an understatement. 

We had a fun water filled weekend with you. Your dad took us out on the pontoon boat. You love sitting on his lap while he drives. Between the cool air, the sound of the motor and speakers and the rocking of the boat, you slept for over an hour. It was perfect. Your dad also set up a swimming pool in the backyard for us to use. The two of you hung out in the water splashing and smiling. It was adorable. He loves you so much. 

It has been determined that you do not like to sit down. Our options are to hold you or let you stand while we hold your hands. You stand for hours every day. Hours. This led to a quick google search and the purchase of a Jolly Jumper. This may be the best invention ever. We strap you in and hang you up. Literally and it allows you to stand up and "bounce" around. It is great exercise for you and gives me a few minutes a few times a day to get a few things done. 

The Moby wrap is now a friend of ours and we use it for your mid morning nap while I get chores done but the Ergo has been a battle the past few weeks. You outgrew the infant insert but aren't quite ready to not have it. A small  blanket keeps you propped but I hope in the next few weeks you become a fan again. I think you would prefer to look out instead of at me...

Other likes besides your fist are your monkey that Aunt Kelle gave you and your chew blanket that my friend Amanda made. Both are the perfect size for your little grip and mouth. You swing is back in action as well. Your late afternoon nap happens in it while I try to get work done. We also enjoy "watching" the projector from your white noise machine. It really is relaxing. 

I find it a fun challenge to see what you will enjoy that day and what is no longer acceptable. You are very quick to let us know. I hope crib naps return soon! 

I can't wait to see what the next 3 months have in store for us. 

I love you H. I always will.



Monday, July 15, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 12

Dear Harper.

We had a VERY low key week last week considering we both had to recover from our travels. I was really hoping to get you back on a napping schedule but your 10 minute power naps continued. I didn't even both attempting you in your crib. Yet. 

I had a busy week with work obligations so your grandma got to make up for not seeing you the previous week and give you love every day for a few hours. I am so grateful. 

You have officially outgrown ALL of your 0-3 month clothes and starting to outgrow some of your 3-6 month outfits. We have started to pack away all of the infant adaptors for your carriers and car seat and I am still in disbelief at how FAST you are growing. You have well surpassed the 15 pound mark. 

Your likes and dislikes are changing every day. Right now your favorite things are your green music scarf, your fist, chewing on blankets, being held, loud music, the "baby in the mirror and somehow your swing.  Your dislikes are being swaddled, tummy time, being set down, your crib during the day, waking up and realizing you are not being held and your Ergo. 

This week we are going to attempt to not swaddle you at night. I am mentally preparing myself now. From day one you have been able to bust out of 75% of our swaddling attempts. We have even purchased multiple brands of the velcro swaddles, in various sizes and you still free yourself. The nights that you don't get loose you sleep longer but most nights as soon as you break free you wake up. I am hoping now that you are able to find your fist and aren't confined you will be able to handle it. Wish us luck! 

I can't believe you will be 3 months NEXT week! 

I love you H. I always will.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 11

Dear Harper,

There is no doubt that this was a week that your dad and I will never forget. I did something that I always thought I would never do: bring an infant on an airplane. I feel like there is always the token screaming baby on every flight and I always though the parents were crazy for attempting such a feat. I was one of those parents and trust me the anxiety leading up to that first flight was high. At this point, I know the "tricks" to calm you down but almost all include signing, dancing, walking or bouncing. All things that aren't really acceptable in an airplane. I should have known that you wouldn't need me to bust out the Bear Went Over the Mountain while line dancing in the aisle. You were such a trooper. Not a single cry. You slept for 90% of both flights. I was thrilled. There was still the token screamer on each flight and it wasn't you. Thank you! 

The destination of our travels was Asheville to visit your grandparents and to meet your Aunt Kelle. We had planned lots of outdoor activities to keep us all busy but the rain unfortunately kept us indoors for a majority of the trip. 

We took you with us out to eat a few times and once again you did great. We even went "hiking" at the (closed) golf course on the cart path and you slept the whole time. I look forward to taking you back up there once you are older and hopefully have beautiful weather. 

Another first that I wasn't so sure about this week was your first trip to a brewery. I worked at a brewery for a few years in college and upon occasion someone would bring a baby and I never understood why. Once again, now I do. There were a ton of kids there of all ages, most not wearing any shoes. We even bought you a onesie! There was a reggae band playing and between the music and the lights you took a great nap and woke up in the best mood. Your Aunt Kelle was so proud ;)  

The day before we left, your grandma had our wedding photographer over to the house to take family pictures. You loved it! Of course you looked adorable and enjoyed all of the attention. 

Your naps currently leave something to be desired. They average about 15 minutes and occur around 4 times a day and only if someone is holding you. As soon as you get set down, you wake up screaming... I hope this changes soon. 

You are still waking up once a night to feed. This is completely fine with me but we are going to start trying to put you to sleep earlier and hoping that you will start sleeping a little later. Right now you go to bed around 8:30pm, wake up sometime between 2am-4am and then sleep until sometime after 6am. 

Our plan this week is to take it easy and try to get back on some sort of routine. Maybe...

I love you Harper. I always will.



Vacation pictures coming soon! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 10

Dear Harper,

You recovered from all of last weekend's wedding and lake festivities with a relaxing week at home. 

Monday I had a check up at my OBGYN and all of the nurses and our doctor loved seeing you and giving you loves. They can't believe how big you have gotten. 

Tuesday was your turn at the doctor. We had to go in for round two of your "6 week" shots. You actually only had one shot and the second vaccine was given orally. You loved the medicine and wanted more. It must have been sweetened!  There was the expected screaming with the shot but you recovered quickly. I hope they get easier. It wasn't until I was an adult that I stopped fighting the nurses when they got close to me with a needle. I feel your pain.

Everyone warned me about how rough of a night we would have after your vaccines. (knock on wood) Up until this point there hasn't been any issues. Maybe because we broke them up into two appointments? You did have an impressive amount of blowouts from the oral vaccine. Poor Allison at my work... 

Your FL grandmother came over Wednesday and Thursday to allow me to get get caught up on work. I think the two of you are getting used to taking a midday nap together. I am grateful for the time and it is so sweet to watch the two of you. 

We had our third week at music class this week. One of my favorite parts of the class is seeing your growth each week. Week one, you slept through most of the class. Week two, you managed to stay awake until the last song but were more interested in the babies laying next two you. This week, we actually got to participate in the activities with the songs and I kept your attention for most of the class. Your favorite songs are the ones that include the scarf. The music scarf is your new favorite toy especially when you figure out how to put it in your mouth. 

After music class, while you were napping, we got to grab lunch in downtown Orlando. It felt so weird being in downtown not wearing a pencil skirt and heels rushing to a meeting. It is amazing how life changes. 

You and your "Uncle" Andrew perfecting the football hold.
Saturday night we dropped you off at your grandparents for a few hours while your dad and I met up with friends for some much needed "adult time". It was such a treat. Your "Aunt" Holly and I picked you up while the boys went back to our house and you got to socialize with the "big" kids for a few hours.  You may have given a few guys baby fever! You do need friends.... :) 

I am loving our days together. They are nonstop and I don't think I set you down for more than a few moments at a time. You just love to cuddle. 

I love you Harper. I always will.

