Monday, July 1, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 10

Dear Harper,

You recovered from all of last weekend's wedding and lake festivities with a relaxing week at home. 

Monday I had a check up at my OBGYN and all of the nurses and our doctor loved seeing you and giving you loves. They can't believe how big you have gotten. 

Tuesday was your turn at the doctor. We had to go in for round two of your "6 week" shots. You actually only had one shot and the second vaccine was given orally. You loved the medicine and wanted more. It must have been sweetened!  There was the expected screaming with the shot but you recovered quickly. I hope they get easier. It wasn't until I was an adult that I stopped fighting the nurses when they got close to me with a needle. I feel your pain.

Everyone warned me about how rough of a night we would have after your vaccines. (knock on wood) Up until this point there hasn't been any issues. Maybe because we broke them up into two appointments? You did have an impressive amount of blowouts from the oral vaccine. Poor Allison at my work... 

Your FL grandmother came over Wednesday and Thursday to allow me to get get caught up on work. I think the two of you are getting used to taking a midday nap together. I am grateful for the time and it is so sweet to watch the two of you. 

We had our third week at music class this week. One of my favorite parts of the class is seeing your growth each week. Week one, you slept through most of the class. Week two, you managed to stay awake until the last song but were more interested in the babies laying next two you. This week, we actually got to participate in the activities with the songs and I kept your attention for most of the class. Your favorite songs are the ones that include the scarf. The music scarf is your new favorite toy especially when you figure out how to put it in your mouth. 

After music class, while you were napping, we got to grab lunch in downtown Orlando. It felt so weird being in downtown not wearing a pencil skirt and heels rushing to a meeting. It is amazing how life changes. 

You and your "Uncle" Andrew perfecting the football hold.
Saturday night we dropped you off at your grandparents for a few hours while your dad and I met up with friends for some much needed "adult time". It was such a treat. Your "Aunt" Holly and I picked you up while the boys went back to our house and you got to socialize with the "big" kids for a few hours.  You may have given a few guys baby fever! You do need friends.... :) 

I am loving our days together. They are nonstop and I don't think I set you down for more than a few moments at a time. You just love to cuddle. 

I love you Harper. I always will.



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