Dear Harper.
We had a VERY low key week last week considering we both had to recover from our travels. I was really hoping to get you back on a napping schedule but your 10 minute power naps continued. I didn't even both attempting you in your crib. Yet.
I had a busy week with work obligations so your grandma got to make up for not seeing you the previous week and give you love every day for a few hours. I am so grateful.
You have officially outgrown ALL of your 0-3 month clothes and starting to outgrow some of your 3-6 month outfits. We have started to pack away all of the infant adaptors for your carriers and car seat and I am still in disbelief at how FAST you are growing. You have well surpassed the 15 pound mark.
Your likes and dislikes are changing every day. Right now your favorite things are your green music scarf, your fist, chewing on blankets, being held, loud music, the "baby in the mirror and somehow your swing. Your dislikes are being swaddled, tummy time, being set down, your crib during the day, waking up and realizing you are not being held and your Ergo.
This week we are going to attempt to not swaddle you at night. I am mentally preparing myself now. From day one you have been able to bust out of 75% of our swaddling attempts. We have even purchased multiple brands of the velcro swaddles, in various sizes and you still free yourself. The nights that you don't get loose you sleep longer but most nights as soon as you break free you wake up. I am hoping now that you are able to find your fist and aren't confined you will be able to handle it. Wish us luck!
I can't believe you will be 3 months NEXT week!
I love you H. I always will.
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