Monday, May 13, 2013

Dear Harper: Week 3

Dear Harper,

This week you grew into more than just a sleepy newborn. Your wake time between naps, feedings and diaper changes has increased and you are more aware of your surroundings. Your focus is stronger and it doesn’t matter where I am, if you hear my voice you try searching for me. 

We have starting “tummy time” and you are a strong one. You have no trouble lifting you head but after a few moments it comes crashing down. It is adorable. You have also discovered your thumb. You aren’t always able to get it to your mouth on your own but when you do you are ecstatic.

One of my favorite activities that we added to our daily routine is our morning walks.  After I feed you, change your diaper and get you dressed we head out for a thirty minute walk in the neighborhood with Argos. The fresh air is great for both of us and the weather has been surprisingly perfect. You fall asleep moments after we leave and continue your nap in the stroller at home. I look forward to lengthening the walks and future walks with friends.

Bath time has become even more enjoyable for you and your dad. Every other night its just the two of you and your infant tub in the kitchen sink. I love to watch and want to help but I know it is your time with your dad. I do get to dry you off after. You smell so amazing and are very relaxed.

On Friday, we had your infant pictures taken. You were a trooper. I’ll admit that I was nervous about getting you super sleepy to take the pictures but it turned out so well. We have gotten to see a few of them and I look forward to seeing the rest. I know these are pictures that we will cherish forever. I think you got your dad’s photogenic genes.

We had our first Mother’s Day this weekend. Saturday night we celebrated with your Great Grandma “Nonnie” as well as your Great Aunts, Great Uncle, Grandparents and your dad’s cousins. I could tell you were slightly overwhelmed but you did so well. Of course you decided you wanted to eat right as it was time to sit down for dinner. On Sunday, your dad gave me the sweetest card and an arrangement of various flowers and blossoms from the garden in a mason jar. It was very sweet. He even picked carrots and grapefruit to juice.  We had a delicious pasta dinner with kale, broccoli and oven dried tomatoes from the garden and attempted to watch a movie after we put you to sleep. Of course you decided that you wanted to continue celebrating with us and fought sleep with all the energy you had. After the movie your dad brought you back to your room to change your diaper and you fell asleep on the changing table. You even slept through him swaddling you.

It was an honor to be your mom on Mother’s Day. No matter how many naps you resist, I love you. I always will.



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